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发布时间:2018-11-19 浏览次数:0


1、教学内容分析:This unit introduces students to the concept of family. Students will learn about various family members .As well they will talk about places family members go together and things they do for fun. Lesson 28talks about ‘A Family Picnic’, Jenny’s family are having a picnic near the lake. Students will learn the words, phrases ,sentences about picnic and learn how to describe picnic using the present continuous

2、学情分析:Students have learned lesson26,27, they familiar with Jenny’s family members and have learned the present continuous tense, so in lesson 28,we just practice it.

Long Hua  Middle School is a school from Longhua county, the students are from villages, so their English are not very good.  


1.    知识目标

掌握单词:picnic, basket, carry, lot, quiet

掌握短语:go on a picnic, a basket of , lots of, look out

掌握运用关于野餐的句子:My family and I are going on a picnic near the lake. ………

2.    能力目标  能使用现在现在进行时,能自己简单描述有关野餐的基本句型,能听懂关于野餐的短文

3.    情感目标 通过学习家庭主题,通过家庭活动增进学生与家的感情,学会关爱珍重自己的家人及所在的家庭。


(1)正确使用本课的词和短语、句型。 (2)正确运用现在进行时。 (3)能听懂和写关于野餐的短文。


Step1. Greetings and lead-in

 Nice to meet you. How are you?目的拉近与学生距离。呈现歌曲视频A picnic song,让学生欣赏并回答问题。1.What’s the song about?2.What’s the weather like in the song? 3.What food do they bring?4.What are they doing at the picnic? 此歌曲与新授课内容联系紧密,给新授课内容进行了非常完美的铺垫。

Step2.(1)通过视频歌曲的几个画面,呈现新单词,引入新单词的学习,领读新单词后请几位同学识读,然后通过两个活动challenge your mouth and challenge your memories,进一步对加深新单词的印象,且大部分孩子能够掌握新单词。(2)呈现野餐的图片,学生讨论:①如果他们去野餐会带什么东西?②学生们喜欢在野餐活动中做什么?此活动目的对新授课进行铺垫降低新授课的难度。

Step3.通过之前一系列活动,让学生感受到去野炊的乐趣,我们喜欢去野餐,Jenny一家也如此,接着呈现Jenny一家进行野餐的图片,引入正文,通过Jenny一家的图片,询问.What’s the weather like? Where are they going on a picnic? What is Bob doing ? How about the dog?这几个问题学生们在欣赏视频歌曲时已经接触过, 所以很顺畅的能回答出来。

[设计意图] 利用学生学过的内容,从“野餐带什么”开始,轻松进入语境,让孩子们把和野餐有关的词汇、短语和句型温习一下。

Step4(1)询问Jenny一家野餐中都做了些什么?然后让学生们带着问题听听力。听听力完成let’s do it 第一题图片排序。

[设计意图] 通过掌握关键信息,完成排序的练习

(2)听录音填空,订正答案,并对新知识点进行讲解lots of,quiet, be with.

[设计意图] 加深对细节的掌握,带着问题听文章,有利于抓住关键信息,



老师呈现Jenny一家野餐的所有图片,引导学生复述what they are doing at the picnic?复述大约两遍

Pair work 学生根据图片内容问答Jenny 一家都正在干什么,进一步练习巩固现在进行时。

Step5 Game time

Invite 8students to come to the front ,choose one note and describe the phrase on the note with body languages and can’t say any words,

and the other students guess what they are doing?该游戏调动激发学生对英语的兴趣,同时进一步复习巩固现在进行时,

Step6 group work

What do you like to do with your family? Draw a picture of your family and talk about it with group mates. Then choose a group leader to do a report. [设计意图] 让学生谈论他们喜欢与家长一起做的事情,并与同学进行交



Step 7 Summary and lead students to realize the importance of the family and home.

Nothing is more important than your family, nothing is more precious than your home, so cherish what you have . 设计意图] 通过对本课的教学重难点总结,使学生更好地掌握本课内容。同时引导学生并使之产生情感上的升华与共鸣。

Step8 Homework

Write the passage about what you and your classmates are doing with their family in the pictures. [设计意图] 通过练习写作,提高书面表达能力。


                         A Family Picnic

What are they doing?                             At the picnic

They are going on a picnic.                      Have a picnic

                                         Go for a picnic





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